Irma Group Company Annual Meeting 2022

October 2022 – IRMA Group gathered key staff in Malacca (Malaysia) to share their corporate activities, plans and explore areas of cross-entity synergy that could be leveraged on to benefit the Group. Over four days of intense meetings, staff from Cybots, Ark Insights and Irma Insights shared ideas, achievements and aspirations. This was punctuated by some great recreational activities and meals.
The meetings served to create pathways and connections for cross-entity business synergy. It also included identification of new business opportunities and areas of expansion.
The event was a great success and plans are already unfolding for the next one.
Cybots attains IMDA Pre-Approved Vendor for MDR

Cybots is pleased to announce that we are now an IMDA pre-approved vendor.
Qualified Companies get up to 80% funding from the Productivity Solutions Grant
Cybots ANZ attains Local Buy Pre-Qualified Supplier status

Cybots is pleased to announce that we are now a pre-qualified supplier on Local Buy. Local Buy enables ANZ government bodies and private companies to source for suppliers that comply with local regulations, reducing the risk of fraud and legal liability.
Cybots Continues Expansion In Australia and New Zealand With Appointment Of Direct Sales Channel Manager

Cybots is headquartered out of Singapore and provides award winning Cybersecurity solutions to clients in 13 jurisdictions throughout the Asia-Pacific. Its wide footprint enables them to provide timely support for clients with cybersecurity countermeasures and defense needs.
Cybots Continues Expansion In Australia/Nz With Appointment Of Country Manager

Mr. Gary Denson is the CEO and Country Manager for Cybots ANZ Pty Ltd. Gary is based in Melbourne, Australia and is responsible for developing the company’s business in Australia and New Zealand. Gary brings deep management and sales experience to Cybots. His career spans over 40 years across the Asia-Pacific in C-level management and […]